
Come Join Us

We meet every Sunday 10am
at the Tahunanui Community Hub


Frequently Asked Questions

Absolutely. We want to be a place where people are welcomed and respected and given the time and space to consider the most important questions of life which are often shelved by the pace and noise of everyday life. Please come and investigate the claims of the Bible and the uniqueness of Jesus with us.
We follow a simple order in our worship, and it is all printed on a handout. This makes it easier to follow, no surprises are sprung on anyone, and you have something to take home and think over. Our services include various Bible readings, prayers, things we read together, assurances of God’s grace, songs (a blend of the biblical best of old and new Christian song), and a reasonable amount of time is given to teaching from the Bible (an expositional sermon) because, more than anything, we want to hear from God.

Our worship is simple and ordinary because we believe through these means of grace, we grow to know God more and are blessed and transformed by Him.

We always take time afterwards to chat and get to know over tea or coffee.

Feel free to wear whatever is comfortable for you. We are not concerned about outward appearances so you can dress up or down.

We do not take up a collection. There is an offering box at the door and most money is given through online banking. We do believe it is important for Christians to help financially sustain the ministry of the local church they are a part of, but no one is ever asked to give, and it is left as a free choice from hearts that are thankful for God’s enormous grace. We do dedicate the offering in the service as we believe it is part of our acceptable worship.

We love to have all the family together and believe that church is for children as well. Our services seek to blend of order and relaxedness so that a little noise from children is acceptable and they are free to draw and take notes. We try to make the church a physically safe space for young children, as far as is practical in the venue we use. All Grace Presbyterian Churches have access to a robust ‘Child Protection Policy’ and we ask parents/caregivers to provide the primary oversight and care of their children.